Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Post-game fracas flares after Midwood tops Banneker -

Post-game fracas flares after Midwood tops Banneker -

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Skate boarding

skateboarding is really cool you should look at the pics that are up there so you can see how much dedicatiuon you need to put in it.
skateboarding is a great sport if you like it then you should just try it and check to see if you like it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


My favorite subject is Math. Math is my favorite subject because it easy and fun to do. In my math class I'm doing very good. I do all my homework and class work. Math is also my favorite subject is as to do with more number than words. Most people in my school {Benjamin Banneker} like math as their favorite subject. And besides who wouldn't like it in the first place. Every yearIi do better in math than in my other classes. So that why I love it.

Monday, December 14, 2009


CommunityWalk Map - New York

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I like riding my bike it is fun . i can do alot of tricks . it is something that i do in my free time .i ride my bike in the park. Parks such as Highland Park and other places like my house. i can do several tricks .

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My favorite game

My favorite game is football. It is very fun. I play football when ever i can. it is very thrilling. Catchin the ball and running as fast as youh can to the touch down

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Barak Obama is the first African-American president who is one of 3 presidents to be holding a nobel peace prize along with Jimmy Carter,Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt who also recived the medal.
I think that Obama deserves this award because in the little time that he has been president he has tryed so hard to do what he wanted for president. He has achomplished so much as a President.

My Favorite Food

Pizza is my favorite food. I can eat it EVERYDAY

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I like to play all kinds of sports. I like baseball, basketball, football, soccer and almost all other sports. I like to play them with my friends. I always have a good time when I play baseball and basket ball. My favorite sport is football though it is very fun and exiting